Sometimes it is Enough

In every blade of grass, in every fragrant breeze from a cluster of lilacs, in the yellow shine of every buttercup, in the rays of light from the sun, in the electric light of the storm, in the rich red dirt, in heart-pounding rolls of thunder, in every thing, He is there. First and last and in between, the most powerful, the truest, the best, He is. To grasp such ever presence, such sameness, such consistency and continuance is a meditation, a work of belief, a moment of worship. The Spring is so full of it, so full of Him. The growth, the newness, the beauty. So many things at once as gorgeous, golden day turns to a stormy day of muted greens and blues and grays. 

He is there in all, waiting, watching, working I think. There is work to be done, wisdom to gain, faulty steps to straighten, a path to walk, humility and love to show, but sometimes when the earth is glowing or crying and wonders fill every piece of it, to be still and know Him, to walk with Him in worship, deeply appreciating all He has done, is enough I think.Enough to smell the dirt, to watch the baby things play, to stare in awe at this miracle of colors and new life that has come again. Enough to say, It's wonderful, my Father Husband, my God, I adore You. Accept my thanks and have mercy on me.